Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Prayer for Workers

I was asked to compose a prayer (initially as a bit of a joke I think...) but, I decided to go ahead and write one. It specifically is from a Christian tradition, but wouldn't take much to make adjustments...

God of Humanity,
You make us ever mindful of the need for creative expression in our work and our lives. Continue to form our understanding of creative labor. Transform the minds and hearts of those who guide our trainings for safe labor practices. Enable those who we encounter on a daily basis to be open to hearing of the challenges we your children are facing. Remind us of our own responsibility to speak against the injustices done to your people-the Body of Christ here on earth. Help us, as we continue to struggle for the dignity and worth of all your children. We ask this in your name, through the redemption of Jesus Christ your son, and by the power of the Holy Spirit. Amen.

1 comment:

救援部 said...
