Saturday, August 11, 2007

Communication is Vital!!!

Hello Peace People,

It's been a long time - sorry for that. Let's just say that it's been a long/short crazy trip of an experience here in Tejas. Wow, this has all has definitely been interesting. So now, more than ever I am realizing and reinforcing my belief that communication is so vital and crucial. However, in this continuing realization, it's really hard and complicated to communicate with people at times, especially when so much is or can be attached. In the process of communicating we try to find that common ground, that middle page. Finally, I think I am coming to understand that here, but it is definitely difficult and needless to say, a struggle. All in all I wish I had more words for you all now, but I have simply been trying to find the words for myself and process it all. There was a full breakdown of communication, but now is the time to clarify, move on, let go, and keep focused and passionate in this struggle of creating and maintaining a better society, a better world for us all! Thankfully, even when empowering environments are limited or even seem to be, we can still acknowledge and appreciate our similarities, our differences for no one, nothing can strip us of our human connection. We may do things differently, communicate in various ways, but for me, I believe in and appreciate the truth that even with such, we are still doing - we are still active and that's what counts and matters. There is no single, let alone right path, but at least we can walk it (even talk through it) together if we allow ourselves to do so!

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