Wednesday, June 18, 2008

Long Rows of Solitude Lead to a New Beginning

An experience that has lead me to where I am happened when I was fifteen years old and was working amongst undocumented workers in corn fields, onion fields, and orchards. This experience helped me understand the condition of workers. At first, each row I walked through felt like a long journey of solitude, but then as my coworkers (mostly male) helped me I felt I was making progress. They cared for me, even though I had done nothing to deserve it. They taught me that all workers should be treated with dignity and respect no matter who they are or where they come from. We sometimes worked 16 hour days and it was very difficult me. However, I was fortunate to have been there by choice instead of by obligation or need. Some workers could not find another job. No matter what their skills were they had no choice but to work there in order to provide for their children. I admire those workers and I am so glad to have experienced this with them.My journey to this point in my life has been wonderful, I am a Junior at Seattle University majoring in Theology and Religious Studies. I feel called in this direction because I know that one’s faith has the power to transform one, it also motivates and influences one more than almost anything else. As I am growing, I am learning that we as humans are called to believe in God for many different reasons. I find refuge in God, with God’s help I have learned how to love more passionately and to accept the love that is given to me. I have also been inspired to do acts of mercy. This summer I am hoping to come to a better understanding of what God wants me to do. I know that I need to pray a little more and ask for help in order to find my true path. I am willing to explore many paths but I know that this exploration will lead me down a row that may be filled with solitude like the corn rows I worked in. However, sometimes those are the best rows because they give you time to reflect and gather your thoughts and when you least expect it someone joins you and is ready to help you get to the end. I hope that the people around me see the difficulty of “my row” and decide to come along for the journey. And when we reach the end there will be water waiting for us, which to me represents a new beginning, a baptism, a new life with God… We need this in our society and I have faith that it will be accomplished.


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